Health care

Although restrictions, Afghan women provide health care

Snafi, a doctor who was Sada, proud in his work, because it is not one of life professionals in a country to be bound in many cities.

The doctor said to do not go to the lives of my patients, especially women who receive less health care opportunities.

But also afraid to focus attention to self-respect and request to be called Sana Sana to avoid disclosing his real identity.

Many women’s doctors left in Afghanistan since Taliban reigned in August soon, leaving many last students inactive.

The commandment was one of the Taliban spirit restrictions, using women, using the Islamic orders he says is divine.

The United Nations call the Taliban Taliban treatment “gender.”

Health is one of the few parts that Afghan women are allowed. Safi operates in the block of dawn and females of women’s unique women who are in which women can use.

Safi said you see 40 patients with patients every day.

The doctor said that materials said: “The doctor’s tips said.

Obstacles that women face to find health care differ in accordance with local laws in the mountainous country, mountains.

Forbidated patients [conservative] Provinces are not allowed to come to the health facility without Mahram [male guardian]”Resource Reservation Reservation recommended to DAA with the phone from Kabul.

He asked we call him if he would protect his identity what his country’s work requires national travel to collect data.

“We had these accounts of the health facility as there was no Mahrame with her now because of her baby,” she died out of this magazine. ”

He said such restrictions were used very well in historic villages in heavy cities but very ignored in urban sites, especially in towns such as Kabul and Jalalabad.

The recipient’s recipient’s appearances given in a month is 14.5, or 35 percent of a one-time walking care.

Since most of the poor people are dependent on pastors hospitals and health care for a man’s care – who can be a person doing.

Amina, traveling with her husband travels with her husband visiting a search for many women’s health workers to work with their family members to work with them in families.

Taliban workers from the department of division and power prevention, which visit health facilities to ensure compliance with the rules.

Amon says:

The investigator says the need for a family member will accompany a woman outside the household sponsored house.

Tests under Taliban are complete.

The investigator said: “They ask for the stem and ask who a certain doctor is.

Restrictions come financial cost to families, when men would work to remain inactive as the Charirs.

To submit and steps, Taliban puts responsible men. However, performing dialogue activities in the country of a cycle is difficult for them.

Runs under the TVAFABAN’s control is discouraged to women from women with women without females and hospitalized services and wives.

The Facility of the Badakhan’s hospital spent two weeks spent weeks last two weeks after meeting women’s staff, Amina said.

Tasks in private heart when facing the same restrictions.

“In case of emergency or when there is no doctor, I can also help male patients again.

He told, he didn’t think of a caregiver and himself and that his employer does not give transportation.

Amina said she was willing to look at the other way because private hospitals pay taxes, contributing to a treasure.

Even in the bannership of the Women’s education, several medical organizations continue to train women in Kabul. However, the fields are highly measured in a nave and toothbrushes.

Both Safi and Amina is worried that the boundaries of women’s medical students can learn female patients will hit people who have little useful women.

It gives my heart my heart to see patients suffering because they do not have enough medication, or women’s doctors were found.

In general public health centers work a lot with the support of international organizations and other international organizations.

Amina told health service – provides attention to research reports and comment. He identified the support of authorities for vaccines.

Still, there is no indication of the authorities in the fields of women’s courses or function to work with health celebrations and acrerations from the Tafina’s circles.

Traditional traditional customs with official restrictions to refer to more vulnerable people means that they will not get the attention they need.

Safi said: “I hope the future where health care is available to all.” And women’s doctors can work freely without fear or restrictions. ”

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