
Vitamins and Minerals to open in healthy age, depending on experts

If you have a balanced diet, the chances are already getting vitamins and all important nutrients and nutrients you need to stay healthy. However, that can change when we grow old because we are in danger of using a lot of vitamin’s use – partly because our bodies do not absorb certain nutrients. So, if you deal with some weaknesses, there are validities of life, your doctor would advise you to take positiveness that all the body needs.

These are six high vitamins and minerals that doctors encourage me encourage you to focus on healthy age. Make sure you will talk to your doctor first before changing food or testing a new addition.

1. Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that provides a few important physical activity. Keeps your muscles strong, controls blood sugar and that puts the life sugar life. Dr. Jacob Pione Titllolbaum, told us that “Magnesium marks over 300 mistakes in the body.”

He said a nutrition that is about 600 mg of magnesium daily, but the usual American meal have 250 MG of Magnesium after being done. For surgery, the number of magnesium sunsion of magnesium is going to 400 to 420 MG per day for older and 310 mg for pregnant or breastfeeding.

Teietolbaum perceived that magneum effects may include additional metabolic syndrome accident. This can lead to the attacks of the heart, strokes and dementia ‘dementia. You can feel tired or have a lot of muscle skills when you do not have enough limester.

You can get municationsium in different positions. Dr. Peter Brukner, professional games and specialists, said you can get the magnesium with nuts, seedlings, such as spinach. When you are more than yummy, you can also get the magnesium from a dark chocolate.

“Old adults or taking special medicines (such as duuretics or drug or drug in accordance to the addressee, and may need addition.” However, too many bones can cause stomach matters, so note. “

2. B vitamins

Tightly boiled egg separates half

Laurie Ambrose / Graphics of Greatty

You also need different b12 vitamins (and Felaal (also called FLICE Acid), to save your body to help you again. weak, and this acid is needed to take vitamin in the body. “

Teietolbaum A Re B Vitamin is criticizing the errors for the power of power, and Suboptimal’s position can affect your health. Warns that cleanness is related to “marked increase in dementia and increase in high spirits.” B12 marks include weaknesses or difficult stability, loss of appetite and a stroke.

B12 is available on animal slopes like meat, fish and eggs. Brukner said that if you didn’t eat this meal, you would want to turn food like grain and nutritional leaven. He explained: “Adults, especially those who have some stomach acid problems,” may need to take the addition of B12.

Amelia Ti, registered sailor of food and diabetes and network

3. Calcium

An old inhale-scheme center says Calcium is very important to adults in danger by losing bones. Institutional Center provides MG daily for males between 51 and 700, and 1,200 MG per day for men 71 and more. 51-year-old women and UPs are recommended to take 1,200 MG every day.

“Calcium is known for making strong bones, but it is also important for the work of work,” Brukner is getting older, who can cause bones. ” Tofu, almonds and singond.

As for them, Branchner said, “If you are at risk of science problems or not to find miles like kidney, so talk with your doctor first.”

4. Vitamin D

Salmon shilles with stove

Malorny / Sweet images

Vitamin D is usually called vitamin because it usually robs it with skin by being out. However, during the winter months, if you live in the air or force the sunshine like you, you may not be inadequate. Your body needs vitamin D to suit correctly calcium, makes the challenge of bone diseases.

Brukner says it includes sunlight, you can get vitamin D from fat fish like salmon and mackerel, milk and grain and mackerel. Your doctor can also recommend the supplement if you are comfortable with a bone or in danger of weakness hasys.

In addition to the healthy lifestyle, TiaiElbaum said Vitamin D could help you fight with death. He said, “Vitamin Vimamin de Amana and high behaviors, high risk of infectious diseases (Dr. Fauci noted that you took vitamin in the moment of vitamin.”

5. Omega-3

Omega-3 fuel is important is important in many activities of your body. They play a part of heart of heart and brain. However, as Cleveland Clinic shows, your body is unable to produce omega – it’s its own. This means you need to find more from the food you eat or supplement you take.

“Omega-3 acid acid is very good for heart health and you can help subside to adults.” TI helps you to get ridiculous and helps to be taught is to minimize swelling.

Fat fish as Salmon is a beautiful source of Omega-3 Fuel acid. Brukner said you can translate flax, a Chia and Walnut but gave Omega warning – that the body is easily using. “Fish Oil and Algae can also work as a supplement.

6. Zinc

The 2015 paper, published for old age and relative diseases, “the vital lifestyle music, especially for elderly people.” The authors said that Zinc is playing “an essential part of the old diseases, including difficulty, negative diseases related to old age and cancer.

Healthy Healthy Tips

When we grow older, our immune system is strong, and if we do not have a zinc, this can make it worse.

You can find a zinc to shellfish, red meat, red meat, chicken, beans, nuts and seeds and seeds. BRUKNER says oysters are very large zinc-truly. Some adults can receive a Zinc supplement helps them or eat enough foods in the body, so it is important to follow more numbers. “

The bottom line

Eating well can help strengthen your bones, physical and other military as they grow old. Habi along with other good habits, to find minerals with right plants and vitamins can improve your life. Try to find magnesium, b vitamin, calcium, vitamin d, omega-3 your daily food. Talk to your doctor before taking suggestions to determine how they can cooperate with your existing conditions and health.

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